Color Guard
Thursday, July 18th, 2024
Ohio Statehouse West Lawn
1 Capitol Sq, Columbus, OH 43215
6:15 pm – 6:45 pm
Get ready to be dazzled by an unforgettable celebration of Pride and music at the historic Ohio State House North Lawn. This event will pay tribute to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame divas who have shaped the music scene, featuring iconic names such as Stevie Nicks, Heart, Pat Benatar, Annie Lennox, and Tina Turner.
Following the Color Guard performance will be the Chamber Recitals in the Ohio Statehouse Rotunda and Atrium starting at 6:30PM – 7:30PM.
Artistic Director - Color Guard
José Ayala III
Hello! I'm José Ayala III and it's my pleasure to join the Columbus Pride Bands team for the Nation Band Aliance Conference as Color Gurad Chair. I come with experience ranging from 6+ years of marching band, marching with Capital Regiment, performing with The Flaggots of Ohio and teaching with multiple marching programs throughout Ohio. I look forward to putting some fun routines that will showcase everyone that come to participate for the event! Super excited to meet everyone!
Rock Hall Divas | arranged by José Ayala III and Aaron Gilbert, Columbus Pride Bands
Edge of Seventeen | Fleetwood Mac
Barracuda | Heart
Love is a Battlefield | Pat Benatar
Sweet Dreams | Eurythmics
Proud Mary | Tina Turner
Marry the Night | Lady Gaga
Choreograph by José Ayala III
Pride Bands Alliance and Columbus Pride Bands do not own the rights to the music used in this performance. This is solely for non-profit and the Pride Bands Alliance and Columbus Pride Bands will not profit financially from its use.
Brandon M. Gray, Atlanta Freedom Bands
Bruce Bythwood, Atlanta Freedom Bands
Candace Weslosky-Miller, Atlanta Freedom Bands
Celina Blanco, Oak Lawn Band
Charlie McDonald, Cleveland Pride Band
Christian Hopkins, Houston Pride Band
Courtney von Bergen, Affiliate Pride Bands Assoc Member
Denny Richard, Rose City Pride Bands
Derek Herrmann, Pride of Indy Bands, Inc
Devon Piskac, Columbus Pride Bands
Dr. James Collins, Philadelphia Freedom Band
Erin Watters, Atlanta Freedom Bands
Jessica Streit, Columbus Pride Bands
Jesus Gonzalez, Desert Overture
Joao Cleaver, Atlanta Freedom Bands
José Ayala III, Columbus Pride Bands
Katy Okamoto, Lakeside Pride Music Ensembles
Lyn Swartz, Cleveland Pride Band
Martin Godoy, Oak Lawn Band
Megan Jimenez, Triangle Pride Band
Moriah Bray, Atlanta Freedom Bands
Sofia Closson, Columbus Pride Bands
Zef Hernandez-Hersh, Affiliate Pride Bands Assoc Member
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