Update #8:

Conference Participant Guide (V.1.0)

Greetings, The Heart of it All Attendees!

We are now just over a month away from the 2024 Pride Bands Alliance Annual Conference!

The Columbus Team is busier than ever putting on the final touches to ensure a most fulfilling experience for all.

This update is once again full of great information as you prepare for your trip to Columbus next month. We have many new announcements and updates as well as reminders from previous ones. Make sure you read all the way to the end so you don't miss a single thing! 

As always, feel free to reach out to conference@columbuspridebands.org if you have questions or need additional information.

Registration Numbers

2024 Conference Participant Guide (V.1.0)

The Columbus Conference Team is proud to present our official Participant Guide for the 2024 Conference! Our digital guide includes information on all things conference related:

  • A copy of the conference schedule as well as day-by-day breakdown of rehearsals, performances, workshops and events.

  • Info on traveling to and from the John Glenn Columbus International Airport and navigating from the airport to the host hotel.

  • Downtown Columbus highlights of restaurants, bars, parks and more all within walking distance of the host hotel.

And much, much more!

This is only version 1.0 of our participant guide. We will be releasing version 2.0 the week before the conference with updates on events happening in our city and at our local LGBTQIA+ establishments during conference week. We're waiting until the week before our conference to make sure we catch as many events and announcements as they come up in our community.

We'll have more in depth information on dining options with recommendations for the busy conference attendee in mind. We'll let you know where you can go for a quick, tasty bite on breaks between rehearsals, and we'll tell you which places can seat large groups and whether they're takeout only. 

We'll also be including comprehensive ADA information for our host hotel and our performance venues, guides for getting around the city by side walk, bus or car and recommendations for things to do for early arrivals and those who stay late.

We would love to hear your suggestions on what type of information you would like to see in this guide. Chances are, if you want to know about it, others do, too. Email conference@columbuspridebands.org with your recommendations!

Music and Part Assignments

Music for concert, pep and big band were emailed out last week. If you haven't received your email, please double check your spam folder in case it got stuck there. If you still don't have it, please email conference@columbuspridebands.org to get your music sent out asap.

Part Assignments along with listening links for our music can be found in the links below:


Olentangy Band Performers: The link below will take you to a compilation of errata and performer notes as you prepare for the conference. Included are extensive notes for Jodie Blackshaw’s “Vulnerable Joy.”

Please take the time to review these notes ahead of time, and please practice the pronunciation sheet on your own. This will allow the rehearsal process move MUCH faster once we are in-person.



Loaner Instrument Requests 

An email went out recently to those who indicated on their registration that they would be or may be in need of a loaner instrument for the 2024 conference in Columbus next month.

If you did not receive this email and are in need of a loaner instrument, please complete the form below:

Completing this form will ensure a loaner instrument is procured and ready for you when you arrive in Columbus next month.

Conference Concert Band Tickets

Now On Sale!

Tickets are $25 plus CAPA fees and taxes.  We are performing at the Jo Ann Davidson Theatre in downtown Columbus where we will premiere our commission composed by Viet Cuong honoring Civil Rights activist Jim Obergefell, both of whom will be in attendance at the performance.

Dedications and Sponsorships

for Concert Band

Dedications of concert band pieces are also available. For $100, your dedication can be featured in the concert band program. Whether it’s a beloved partner, a cherished friend, or someone who lives on in your heart, this is your chance to honor them through the power of music.

Your sponsorship not only pays tribute to those who have touched our lives but also helps support the incredible work of the Columbus Pride Bands and the entire Pride Bands Alliance. Together, we’re spreading love, joy, and acceptance through music!

Make a dedication and sponsor a concert band piece by following the link below.

Conference T-Shirts

The Deadline to order conference t-shirts is this Friday, June 14th as we need to place our order to our vendor the following morning to ensure they arrive in time for the conference in July.

The conference t-shirt is part of the uniform for pep band and color guard. A reminder email was sent on Friday, May 31st to those who still need to order a shirt as part of their uniform. 

You can order your shirt using the link below!

Scroll all the way to the bottom of the registration to get to the Add-Ons section where you can purchase the conference t-shirt.

FYI - you are able to purchase the shirt without purchasing a conference registration.

Workshops Update

We are offering two original workshops led by experienced musicians and clinicians.

Workshop #1 - Outside the Rehearsal: Practicing a Balanced & Joyful Musical Life

Presented by Mark Grisez -Principal Trumpet of the Columbus Symphony Orchestra

Join us for a conversation with Principal Trumpet of the Columbus Symphony Orchestra Mark Grisez. Learn how to balance a musical lifestyle with your other commitments. Explore habits for effective and fun practice that enrich your creativity. Take challenges like performance anxiety and channel them into empowerment and adventure, both on and offstage.

You can see Mr. Grisez's complete bio and learn more about his work with the Columbus Symphony by following the link below:

Workshop #2: The Musician and Mental Health

Presented by Jessica Fletcher - Assistant Professor of Instruction, Music Therapy

Join us for a workshop on using trauma informed care in music as a tool for mental health care. Learn how community music healing can aid in making meaning of stories & hard experiences.

You can see Professor Fletcher's complete bio and learn more about her work at OU and in Music Therapy by following the link below:

We are also featuring a presentation by members of the Jon Sims Endowment Fund (JSEF) board.

JSEF will deliver a short presentation on its purpose & updates on current progress. This will be your last chance to join the "Drive For 35" campaign which could earn your group up to $1,500 in bonus funds (only groups not already investing funds at JSEF are eligible). JSEF currently has 16 non profit LGBTQ+ arts organizations who've invested more than $1.2 million in combined funds. Sign up today & come learn about investing for the future of your band with JSEF!

Ohio University Alumni Event

Bobcat Alumni, Do You Miss Athens?

Then, join your fellow Bobcats traveling to Athens on Sunday, July 21st. Right after the conference. The OU Pride Center is happy to set up a campus tour and learn what changes have happened to our beloved brick campus in the past decade.

If interested, please fill out the Google Form in the link below. RSVP before July 1st.

Email fellow Bobcat Jordan Francisco at jordan.francisco@lakesidepride.org with questions about the event!

You can reach out to conference@columbuspridebands.org if you have any questions or need any additional information. And please get in touch asap if anything looks wrong or needs to be changed with the rosters that were just released.

We had a LOT of information to review, process, format, concatenate and send out. It would be very easy for something to get added or omitted by error.

See you soon in just over a month!

-The Columbus Conference Team

Also, don't forget to join our Facebook page to connect with fellow conference attendees! Be on the lookout for updates to our Instagram page as well!

This conference is hosted by the Columbus Pride Bands. Check out our upcoming events at our band’s website!

The Columbus Pride Bands is a proud member of the following organizations: