Applications for the Chamber Recital will be open until May 15th, 2024.
Due to limitations in performance space and time on the schedule, we may not be able to accommodate all requests.
The Chamber Recital is scheduled for
Thursday, July 18th from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm
in the historic Ohio Statehouse with performance spaces set up in the Statehouse Atrium and Rotunda. Each selected ensemble will be given a 15-minute time slot for their performance which will include set up and strike between sets.
Only one member from each ensemble is required to complete this form; the person completing this form will act as a representative for the ensemble to the Columbus Conference Team.
No official rehearsal times are placed on the conference schedule, however, limited rehearsal spaces will be made available at our host hotel on
Wednesday, July 17th and Thursday, July 18th.
Sign ups for these spaces will go out on June 1st.
We encourage all chamber groups to have their music as prepared as possible prior to the conference.